17 July, 2008


Though the odds may not be in your favour, you can do it.
Though the challenges are great, you can make it happen.
People will likely tell you it's impossible.
Even so, you can find a way to make it possible and to make it real.
When it means enough to you, then you can do it.
When you are willing and committed and persistent, you will get yourself there.
Look within yourself and find those values that you most earnestly desire to express with your life.
The things that are most genuinely important to you are the things that will power your achievements.
When you can put the power of your passion behind it, you will create it.
Make the effort to find and to know that passion, and there is no limit to what you can accomplish.
Be utterly true to who you are.
And fulfill your greatest possibilities.

16 July, 2008

Conquer Doubt

Are your doubts holding you back? The way to conquer your doubts is with action.
Wondering about whether you can do it will not get it done.
The only way to know for sure is to jump right in and get started.
Avoiding the challenges will only make those challenges grow bigger.
Instead, walk right up to each challenge, and the closer you get, the more ways you'll discover to get beyond it.
If you wait until conditions are perfect, all you'll ever do is wait.
Great accomplishments are given birth by starting from where you are with what you have.
As soon as you start to take action, you'll begin to replace your doubts with courage and confidence.
The more you do, the more insignificant and powerless those doubts will become. Stop wondering and start doing.
Once you've done it you'll always know, without the slightest doubt, that you can.

15 July, 2008

Gather the small opportunities

Quick success is nice when it comes. However, slow and steady success is even better, because it is repeatable, robust and sustainable. Overnight success almost never happens. And in the rare event when it does happen, there's a dreadful fear that it will disappear as quickly as it appeared. Slow success is confident, lasting success. Success earned over time is success that you can genuinely enjoy, appreciate and continue to build upon. Instant success depends upon being at exactly the right place at precisely the right time. Slow success, on the other hand, makes a small yet significant opportunity out of each moment and every situation. Instead of wishing for immediate results, work patiently for the more realistic, reliable and valuable results that can only come with time and commitment. Steadily spread your success over time, and it will always be yours. Every minute of every day there is a way to be slowly and steadily successful. Gather the small opportunities as they come, and the rewards will be great indeed.